Installing Joomla! CMS on Windows PC

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One of the most popular Content Management Systems (CMS) is the open source Joomla!.

To Joomla is written in PHP and uses a MySQL database

We show in simple steps how to do an installation in Joomla wampserver we have installed on our computer or a server

wampserver installation procedure described here

The procedure is described as follows:

1. Downloads the latest (stable) version of joomla from here.

2. Create a directory under c: \ wamp \ www \

   (Eg c: \ wamp \ www \ myjoomla)

3. Decompress the downloaded file in the list created.

   (Eg c: \ wamp \ www \ myjoomla)

4. Roll one Interner Browser and type http://localhost/myjoomla


Make that asks us to form and click "NEXT"


At this point we need to create a database in MySql.

Go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin, press the TAB SQL and execute the following command: create datbase myjoomla; as shown below:

6. We return now to the second step of the installation and make data base in the form:

7.Press "NEXT" and go to the next step. At this point, asking us if we want to install Demo data. If you want to experiment, load data in order to understand how to do different things in Joomla! "NEXT"

The installation is complete!. Press "Remove Instalation Folder" and we are ready.

If you go to http://localhost/myjoomla:

Have fun!

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