Installing Drupal CMS on Windows PC

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 One of the most popular Content Management Systems (CMS) is the open source Drupal

 To Drupal is written in PHP and uses a MySQL database

 We show in simple steps how to make a Drupal installation in wampserver we have installed on our computer or on a server

 wampserver installation procedure described here

The procedure is described as follows:

1. Downloads the latest (stable) version of Drupal from here.

2. Create a directory under the c:\wamp\www\

   (e.g. c:\wamp\www\mydrupal )

3. Decompress the downloaded file in the list created.

4. Πηγαίνουμε σε έναν Internet Browser και γράφουμε http://localhost/mydrupal  

5. Click "Save and continue"

6. We create database in  http://localhost/phpmyadmin writing in the SQL tab command :

create database mydrupal;

7. Fill the form with required fields for the database:

8. Make the necessary information about our Site:

9. We continue:

And here ends our installation.

Για τα επισκεφθούμε το drupal site μας γράφουμε : http://localhost/mydrupal 

We are ready!

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